Monday, May 14, 2007

Trees, Cliffs, and Clear Waters

We have been working along the northwest coast of Guam and I will have to admit, it is nicer than I remember. The below water world has not been the best (lots of reef areas that have been taken over by algae) but there have been notable exceptions. And the above water world has been spectacular. The north side of Guam is quite green with stark cliffs dropping to secluded beaches at the water's edge. Couple that with the flat calm days we have been having and it has been paradise (albeit a little hot after an hour in the sun).

Today we start working down the east side if the island and, while it should be nice, the winds will definitely have more force and effect on this side of the island. Not quite as idyllic as yesterday. If memory serves, however, the underwater world on the east side should be much nicer with areas of higher coral cover and a greater number of large fishes. Let's hope my memory is correct.


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